June 28, 2006

roller coaster ride

Funny sometimes when we are so happy with what we have, and there goes, a steep fall, a swerve to the right, to tell us that, hey, you're not so lucky after all.

I guess it gives me a wake up call when something I have so dreaded has happened. It told me not to take things for granted, and I should be up on-guard at all times. Be prepared for the worst to happen because when it really happens, then at least it is not going to hurt that much.

Sometimes I ask myself, why is it when I am just starting to realise the good things around me, starting to take out some courage to reach out, that I have to be thrown about in this ridiculous roller coaster ride? There I go again, losing my already loose footing in life.

Last night, after a night out to velvet, I came home and I sat in the living room, talking to my housemate. Exasperated, I asked her, 'if tomorrow is going to be a better day, why can't today be a good day?' All I get from her was a tiny note on my desk the next morning, saying, 'dear girl, when times are challenging, be strong and remember all those supporting you. Be happy.'

Tears came to my eyes, feeling grateful that the plunge downwards, the hard swerve to the right, the throwing about in this roller coaster ride, is actually a blessing in disguise. There are actually people who care about me, genuinely. And that is worth more than having hundreds of books in my library or traveling around the world.

I really want to thank her for the wonderful, and powerful note that made me realise, I do have something that I am proud of, my friends. They are really angels sent from above, and I love them. Just being there when I am bruised and beaten, giving me the shove just when I needed it most, or a hug when my materialisitic world is falling around me, is the greatest treasure on earth. I'm rich, I'm lucky, and finally I can say that I wiped off the tears and stand up to face this cruel, cruel world again.

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