November 26, 2005


The first time I went to Seoul was the first ever trip out of Singapore. My first ever flight. So, it is only natural that I am so nervous about the trip that I didn't manage to take any photos.

Nevermind about that first time, I'm going to Seoul for the second time!

Ever happily, I charged my camera's battery before leaving for this beautiful country, thinking of all the beautiful sceneries that I can photograph.

When I arrive in Seoul, and all set to sight-see and have a cosy lunch and dinner of kimchi, I took out my camera to start photograhing. Only then I realised that I left my battery at home in Singapore!

Frustrated, I spent the whole day shopping and eating!

Oh well, I guess there's always the third time... :P

The answer to the picture I've put up in my previous blog, is Eiffel Tower, Paris. :o)

November 24, 2005


On a visit to my friend's house, she showed me photos taken by her friend, who is interested in photography. When I went to his website, I am really impressed. For a guy his age, he can do really well. My crappy pictures can be dumped into the bin. Haha. You can have a look at his site at

Oh, yes, after looking at his portfolio, I've decided to post my best picture to date, haha.. just to amuse and embarrass myself. Try to guess where is this taken. Hint: I have a date with Mona Lisa.

November 23, 2005


It has been raining for the past 24hours. The sky is so grey, I don't feel like waking up. Truth be said, I have been sleeping for 12 hours straight and not being able to wake up :P too tired I guess.

Waking up at 4AM on a rainy morning reminds me of those good old days in high school where I have to stay awake the whole night just to finish doing my revision (not that those revision goes into my head). The memory channels especially towards end of year 2001, when I was sitting for my SPM. It was raining non-stop that time too. The fresh breeze, the clear morning air, the sound of raindrops, the feeling that I'm the only awake at this time of the day is too familiar.

I longed to return to school, back to studies again. But, will I be able to do that?

November 21, 2005

Perth 191105

Really, sometimes I'm lost for words to describe my trips. This is my first time to Perth, and I'm glad that I managed to meet up with a few of my high school best friends. But the car ride given by Fiona caused Rowena and I headache the rest of the day after that.. haha..

It was really nice, gathering with old friends, and talking about the good old times. The silly things we used to do back in school, and the catching up of who is where, doing what. The impression that Perth has given me, is that half of Kuching's population is there. Everyone is there. Knowing myself, I couldn't stop myself from those juicy gossips of who is getting married, who is going out with who, who is graduating with a degree, who is already working, and who is entering Uni next year (*wink at Rowena). Haha..

Whose boyfriend is this? :P

The real shock was someone a few years senior of us is already married. Well, after passing the initial shock, I guess five years down the road it will be our turn (not me though). And yes, our Europe trip is drawing nearer and nearer, I can't believe that it was four years ago that we made that promise.

But I'm really glad that I'm in Perth, although for that short 24 hours, it seems to me that we didn't run out of things to gossip about, which is a good thing. The thought of us not finding a common ground after four years is banished. Take care, keep in touch, and hope to see you again soon!

November 18, 2005

Tokyo and DisneySea

Picture says a thousand words...