March 24, 2006


I just realised that I promised to upload my Johannesburg photos in my previous post. So here goes, not that it's really impressive because all I saw in the safari was elephant backside, giraffe backside, some funny looking animal's backside. Basically, it's a animal-backside educational tour for me. Why did I only get the backside's view? Ask those bloody animals... the moment they see a car approaching, either they run away (which gives you their backside's view) or their back are facing the road (that's why they are not running away, they don't know we're behind them) so all I see is their backside. Get my point here?

Anyway, I'm not bothered about those animal because all I want to see are lions and tigers. So I went "lion, lion, Lion, LiOn, LION, LION!" for a few hours till my voice died on me. And still, I don't see lion. Then I went, "tiger, tiger..." but still no tiger. At the end of the day, after the sun sets, I was really really hungry for some lion. But no lion. No tiger. Such disappointment. You can't even imagine how low i felt. So we left Pilanesburg and drove back to the city. Which was all for my first ever south-african trip.

But on my first night in Johannesburg, I had this really huge lamb shank for dinner. That bone was huge! Picture Flinstone and my lamb shank. *angelicwitch nods... Yess.. It's huge. I bet if I take that bone and threw it out on the street, the lions will come after it. Why didn't I thought of keeping that bone for my safari trip the next day, I wonder.

I don't mind going back to South Africa for the second time, but if I ever go on a safari trip, there better be lions around (either that or I pack myself a bunch of bones from dinner).

March 13, 2006


I know I know..

I have been missing from the IT world for quite sometime now.. Life has been so busy, I don't even know where to begin.

First of all, I lost my old housekeys.. I wonder what happened to it.. because it just went, 'missing!!' And because of the keys, some complications arised in my workplace, which kinda sucks because everything seems to be going to smoothly in my job then this incident screws it up.

After that, I moved to a new place, with two of my friends. Which was all well, but the cleaning up and trying to organise all my stuff in my room really tires me. Plus the fact that I have never been really a neat person really helps. Being away from singapore most of the time is another factor.

Other than that, life has been good, smooth flowing in fact. Nothing much I can complain about. I went back KL last week for 2 days, and catching up with my family and friends really helped me clear up my messed up mind a little. Just some time away from work and stress is good at times. Oh, and I love my new baby!! Vios 1.5E, it's purrs... I know it's nothing to some of you, but it's my very, very ,very ,very own first car. Bought it, loving it! Hahaha.. Those of you who are back the same time I'm back in KL time, I promise I'll be the driver provided you pay for the petrol :P

Apart from this, I finally have the chance to go to south africa, johannesburg. It is a beautiful place, but a tad dangerous I think. When I have the time and when my PC is discharged from the hospital I will upload all the photos of the safari trip I had.

Enough of UPdates from me. Till next time. Muaks.