August 26, 2006

Reflection by the plane's window

It's almost the end of August. Two-third of the year has passed me by. The other day when I was in London, I was on the phone with Yen Ling from that faraway place (it might be on another planet) Aberdeen, she said that 'life is like a toilet roll. The nearer you are to the end, the faster it rolls.' Can't help to agree with this cuckoo. Finally, she is making some sense.

Yet again, this post is going to be a reflection of what has happened this year. (More or less like how companies audit their financial position.. haha) This year has been an eventful year, a year full of soul-searching, endless with surprises when I least suspected it.

Right now, right here, I can proudly say that I've achieved one of my biggest dream. Which is to travel around the world, and hey, I'm only 22. I have been to a lot of places, but traveling has taught me a lot of things I never know I never know. It is a great revelation to me, because I have always been a person who never knew how to count my blessings, and now, I'm counting it.

Other dreams that I have consistently thought of coming true, is slowly coming into focus, so I can finally say that I have found the reason of my being, my destiny, as Paul Coelho would put it.

But at the moment, let's just enjoy the moment, and I'll blog more, earn more, eat more, shop more and be happy.. after all, I can only grow so much in a year right? Hahaha...