April 20, 2006

Roma @ Italia

I came back from Rome about 24hours ago, and I still am not able to shake off that feeling of awe that I have been to Rome. I mean, it's my dream destination (apart from Spain), and I was there!


Rome, when it's mentioned, a romantic city, filled with wonders in architecture and art will come to mind. It need not be explained further. Walking through narrow passages with three to four stories tall building built closely together, taking in the smell of freshly brewed coffee, or just licking away to heart's content a huge cone of gelato, it is Italy we are talking about.

On a lazy summer day, with pigeons everywhere in the square, people enjoying the fine weather sipping coffee outdoors, street-musicians filling the air with sweet music, artists showing off their skills in paintings, sketches, waters sprung out from fountains under the sun that makes it look like gleaming crystals in the air, what more could you ask for from this beautiful city?


Pantheon, an architecture marvel, such huge dome built almost 2000 years ago (although the hole in the centre still makes me wonder about what happens on rainy days), it is a marvelous experience to be in such significant symbol of Roman architecture. I tried taking pictures of the hole and the dome, but the huge scale just does not permit the whole building to be captured into one single shot on my camera. I felt honored to be there, to touch and experience something that is so old, so solid, so prominent in history.


Trevi Fountain. The place where it is famous for making a wish and throwing a coin into it. I made a wish and threw a coin. I do hope that wish comes true. What that wish is? I'm keeping it a secret.

The day that I arrived in Rome, it was a Easter Sunday. Imagine the crowd in the whole city. Although Trevi Fountain is famous for being crowded everyday for the whole year, but I was just seeing humans and humans everywhere. It was so packed, we have to seize the split second opportunity to just stand next to the fountain to make a quick wish and throw a coin. Funny sight it has been.


Spanish steps. Although I am not too sure what is so special about this, but I went there anyway. Apparently it was a beautiful steps especially if viewed during sunset. I felt sorry that I could not appreciate the beauty, one because I know nothing about the history, two because it was so bloody crowded with people and three, because I was not there during sunset.


Vatican city. Need I say more? It's Easter. It's holiday. It's crowded. I mean, there's not much space to offer, being the smallest independent state in the world. Took photos from outside of the building and had a splendid dinner around that area. I wanted to enter to be blessed by Pope and join in the communion, but the queue was just way too long, I gave up (don't have much time to spare anyway, have to rush off to Coleseum).


Coleseum. Picture Gladiator and it's glorious entry into the place.
Picture Coleseum again. There you have it. Despite it being in ruins, it is still standing proud. I can just feel the strong vibe that it is giving as I walked around it. A very proud Roman building indeed. I passed by the Coleseum on my second night on the way back to the hotel, the whole place was lighted up, and it was simply breath-taking. Forget about the bits and parts that has fallen down, it is telling a story of its own, fighting against time, against modernization.


The Leaning Tower of Pisa. The most important building on my must-see list. It took me 3 hours to get there by train and the train fare is sky high. But it was worth the pains of waking up 6am in the morning, sitting on an uncomfortable seat for 3 hours and almost emptying my bank account for the train ticket.

When I was there, all things were forgotten, it was just Pisa and I. Despite it being a bell tower, not a huge one, but it just gives off this feeling of awe, of wonder, of marvel. You just feel like sitting down on the grass, looking at it. Simply beautiful. It is funny how some things has the ability to move your heart, to shake your senses. Just like looking at a beautiful painting, this small petite tower will make your eyes glued to it, never leaving sight of it.

A friend of mine jokingly said that we are just wondering at human errors. The building is not meant to be leaning sideways anyway. If it was a normal bell tower, not leaning whatsoever, I doubt it will be as famous as it is today. Nevertheless, I spent the whole day there, just drinking in the wonderful Pisa Tower.


Food is good as well. I don't remember eating and drinking so much for the past few months as I did in Rome. Brioche (crossiants), cappucinos, wines, latte, pastas, pizzas, gelatos, you name it, I tasted it. Even the McToast in McDonalds for breakfast is fantastic. Well, I was just plain stuffing myself silly.


Loved every moment in Rome, I don't mind going back there again, just to enrich my experience in one of the world's richest city in history and architecture.


Chrys said...

Hi Alice,

You must think it's weird of me to drop a line but haha, I'm dropping a line regardless.

You actually posted this at 4 in the morning?!?! Wow! I'm sure you're enjoying yourself heaps. You deserve to anyways - you've worked your way to the job so do enjoy!

Oh, like your new hairstyle. Pity such a style doesn't suit the shape of my face. =P

Take care.

Anonymous said...

Hi your nice pics of Rome bring back lotsa sweet memories for me. Why didn’t u spare some time for the Vatican? I was there last summer n spent more than 2 hrs q-ing. But it definitely worth it! The frescos, statutes, the magnificent dome, Swiss guards… Just being there breathing the air inside the holiest place for the Catholic Church. Highlight of my Rome trip!

angelicwitch said...

thanks for dropping by.. it is my pleasure to know that there's visitor on my site..

mel mel.. if you're the mel mel i know then u know i'm not exactly a very patient person.. :P hahaha... maybe the second round to rome i'll go into vatican..

Anonymous said...

Pisa & Alice.
this was once happened 2 years back when u're with ur model. have u ever imagined that u're sitting right under it in just mere few hundred days later?

the pictures and words put me into imagination.
there are some places which i actually dont believe that someone else in my circle of frens been to, probably just because i feel like it's the 'other side of the world' where hardly anyone of us might be there often; or the fact that i've been seeing it in prints all these while whose part of me cant even believe that they ever existed - some kind of fantasy or magical land which only appears in one's imagination. if u know wat i mean.

i think the most prob reason is that i cant possibly picture myself there. if that happens, it'll be the biggest news. i'll spread the news and cheer to everyone else. and u'll definitely know it. lol.

i cant help but to feel a little proud that u're actually there! i started to realise its existence... and to recall and believe what we studied and whatever we saw in the glossy archi-book prints.

may ur wish at Trevi fountain comes true~ =)


kai 凯 said...

it s very nice. de mood was nice. de atmosphere was nice. n photos r nice too. all the best.