December 03, 2006

Crap Part III

I just got back from two rounds of dinner. Felt that my one hour in gym this evening has gone to waste. Nothing to complain about I guess. The dinners are lovely, had loads of funny kind of meat today, including kangaroo and deer.

Actually, I have thought out what to write about in this post, but somehow, my brain is failing me. I can't remember a single thing, including why I'm writing this in the first place. Probably another piece of crap. Oh dear, oh dear.. have I really run out of things to blog about? Maybe I should just close this blog down, then I don't have to scratch my head everytime my conscience tells me that I have not been blogging often enough.

I got back from my San Francisco (via Hong Kong) trip yesterday afternoon. Nothing much to highlight about, except I managed to meet Kristie in San Francisco! Once I got the photos from my friend, I'll put it up. It was so nice chatting with you, Kristie, it's been so long!! I felt bad because I was so tired the whole time I was there. Sorry, but I will try to go to San Francisco again in January. *cross my fingers!!

Apart from meeting Kristie, I spent a lot on this trip. I just kept buying and buying, till I realised that my hands are tired from carrying the bags that I have been spending too much. Guess I have to live on bread and water for the next two weeks.

I think I need to get my precious beauty sleep now. Tomorrow I need to meet my darling at the airport. Till next time, ciao!

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