February 08, 2006

My blog

My conscience has been nagging me for not updating my blog for the longest time. Not that I feel guilty or what, it’s just that I have to blog because it’s time to blog. Please pardon me for this currently crappy blog because I have been overworked by my company and now I’m feeling really tired and shitty.

I just came back from Bombay this morning and I only have about 2 hours sleep before I was waken up by a full bladder and an invitation to join my friends for a chicken rice lunch in Katong. Not that I’m complaining, it’s fun, because I ended up spending half the day in IKEA window shopping. Quite a diversion, huh? Haha..

My Chinese New Year celebration has turned out to be good despite the fact that I was only able to spend about 48 hours with my family. It was all good fun, good laughs, and good time spent. Although I was not able to return home for reunion dinner on the eve, but I could still spend most of my time with my parents. After being away from home for the really first time, I could finally understand what family warmth is. Great experience!

This particular post is supposed to be and update of what I have been doing and where I’ve been for the past one month. So I will try to make a short paragraph for everything worth mentioning. I hope it is not too boring for you.

I was finally being sent to Adelaide! It was a really nice trip because we rented a car (and I drove!!!). So we went around Barossa Valley, spent some time in Rundall mall and Glenelg Beach. Met up with a friend and this was nice because he managed to show us around. (but at the end of the trip, my bank account was drained because of the car! Ugh.. hahaha)

Oh, last but not least, about my dreams. Recently I have been having really weird dreams that absolutely nothing to do with real life or what I am doing at all. One particular dream is so funny that I should just post it here.

“I dreamt that one day I woke up in the morning and found out that Singapore has been bombed by the USA, and we have to take refuge in Iraq in a fighter plane. Later during the flight of the plane, I meet with a guy who can actually speak the ‘fish’ language. When we arrived in Iraq, we found out that the Iraqi king has apparently been working the fish overtime, and the fishes are underpaid. These are translated by the guy to me because I saw him talking to the fish by scooping waters to his ears. Then wanted to investigate the truth because we wanted to fight for the fishes’ rights, we turned invisible and entered the Iraqi king’s palace. Halfway through the hall, the king ran amok and threw a glass to the floor. Unfortunately, the glass hit us and we are not invisible anymore. The king saw us and sent his army after us. Running down the stairs of the palace we passed by fishes that has been helplessly smashed into curry powder by the cruel king, then, *snap* I awoke from my dream”

I realize that this dream is absolute nonsense. But none the less, I think I’m turning my blog into a blog full of crap and shit. Well, is it a time for a makeover (again)?


Anonymous said...

not a good idea for makeover... maybe one day u'll regret about that. after all, that's all about yourself, dont regret of what you've done... but i know it's hard doing so.

hey.. i have this thought about those unpaid house elves at hogwarts when i read about ur dream. lol.

same thing again - enjoy life!


angelicwitch said...

hehehe.. yea i guess i'll just stick to this 'look' at the moment..

maybe i've been reading too much harry potter that's why i'm getting those dreams.. hahaha

