June 10, 2007

It's time to let go...

Finally have the time to clear out everything in my room.
Stumbled across a lot achitecture-related books/magazines. For a moment I was tempted to keep it back on the bookshelf, then I tell myself, it's time to let go.
There's no reason for me to keep those anymore. I don't need it anymore, because I am no longer in that field.
Not that I regret that I was once an aspiring designer/architect, whatever you choose to call it, but I realise, it is a dream best forgotten, otherwise I would have a lot of unsatisfaction of my inability to become one.
With a great sigh of relief, I am finally letting this part of my life go. I'm tossing all the books and magazines out of my life.

To my friends that are still going strong in architecture, good luck! And I'm really proud of you guys!


kai 凯 said...

u put a decision for the past. u r one step in front already. may u find ur right way, and continue another step. all the best ^_^
friends blesses are alongside always, even if not being together physically.

Jet said...

yea.. u're always still here!